Walking in the rain...
It's been couple of years since i deliberately get soaked in the middle of a heavy rainfall..De feeling is so unexplainable..so refreshing n like giving me a new lease of life..washing away all the STRESSes, pain, sorrow, disappointment, conflicts, depression n the list goes on...
Actually i intend to walk in the rain long ago but never find the courage or anyone to accompany me doing this crazy stuff until recently...Someone out of nowhere appeared n without a particular reason enjoyed getting soaked by rainfall...the reasons of doing so remain undercovered..
But as for me, it's just a way to experience life. How many of u out there ever think that walking in the rain is a life experience as well(u might even think i'm crazy)??I guess only a handful...But i find it a v basic experience abt life..it doesn't tell u much nor giv u much experience tho...except for a cold afterwards..hehe..But to me, it tells a different story..
Every drop of rain is a beauty...every drop tat hit u has a probability of not hitting u if not for coincidence n fate..every drop tat u felt tells u tat u still alive..has feeling inside and de little brain inside is still working..
Life is just like getting wet in the rain..Obstacles that we met are jus like the raindrops that keep hitting u fr time to time..How u appreciate each drop will determine how far u'll go..SOme ppl by getting hit a few times, backed out n remained covered under shelter.They never grow...SOme ppl the more the raindrops that hit them the better they become n tis is where the meaning of growth comes..They become wiser (dun u tink so??)..
So here's the thing for u to ponder...Obstacles and challenges are tough n can bring you down flat to the floor but without them where will you b today???
p/s: it may just b a piece of crap here but try walking in the rain next time n u'll know how it feels...